Anyway, I have had sinus issues and apparently they haven't been happy with just screwing up my breathing, they now have decided to settle in my ears. Not sure, medically, how that works...but it feels like I have been swimming for 10 straight hours underwater. yay.
I knew that we had some prescription ear drops in the cabinet. No sense in going to the dr when you can utilize others leftover medication. So, I glanced at the bottle, right size, right shape, said "otic" on it. I tilted my head, squeezed in an entire dropper full...
LORD HAVE MERCY...the burning. And stinging. My ear infection must be worse than I thought. To keep the drops from running down my neck, I stuck a cotton ball in it, and then did the other side. Crap...I do NOT remember these ear drops hurting like this...I am such a baby.
Later, I laid in bed...whining. Which my husband just loves, when he is trying to go to sleep. He feels like he has to do something, but he is too tired to do anything of any real value, and I know he just wants me to "man up". lol...which makes me even whinier.
So, after the 5th time of me complaining about my ears, (and not being able to hear his responses) he finally noticed the cotton balls. Of course, he had begun to enunciate his words as if I was stupid or something:
Him: What.....Can.....I.....Do......To.....Help.....You?? (more importantly, what can I do to get you to be quiet?) ....What's.....With.....The.....Balls??
Damyankee:It's to keep the ear drops in. I have been telling you about this for 30 minutes. You never listen to anything I say.
Him: *sigh*....What drops did you use? I know we don't have any ear drops.
Damyankee: YES...we do...I just put them in...(duh)...
Him: NO...we DON'T...I was looking for some last week and we.....don't....have....any.
Damyankee:[nostrils flare]
I get up to go to the cabinet so that I can pretty much bring the bottle back and shove it in his.... face...
I look more carefully at the bottle...reading the microscopically fine print... so that I will be able to quote song and verse the details regarding the *ear* drops.
huh! what do you know? there is only a "one" letter difference between "otic" and "oPtic".
[this is what I thought I was putting in my ear]
My brain processed this revelation like this:
Optic=pink eye drops
[would have been good to have the there is a picture of an EYE on it!]
DAYUM...I just put pink eye drops in my ears! And then sealed it in. No wonder it burned. Awesome, I have probably just damaged my hearing even MORE. I already can't watch TV without closed captioning, this is just going to seal the deal. *sigh* Blind and Deaf on the backside of 30. Seeing eye dog and an ear horn. Just perfect.
[my next dog is very cute, no?]
[I want one of these just to have one now]
Side note: If I am going to lose a sense...why not the sense of smell? It would certainly help out when the new jerk next door decides to fart like he is in his own bathroom.
I can hear Lloyd (muffly) asking me to bring the bottle in for him to look at....(riiight...)
I hate being wrong. More importantly, I hate being wrong when I am being such an @ss about being right. Even more than that, I hate being wrong, when I am being such an @ss about being right, and it turns out that HE is right. Ah well, might as well get this over with...
Damyankee: were right and I was wrong. I just put pink eye drops in my ears. HAPPY? I am probably deaf now. So..go ahead and laugh.
He does...and loudly. What can I say?...his wife is an idiot. :)
At least the dr. said this morning that my ears showed no sign of pink eye. Always a plus.
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