Saturday, February 11, 2017

Litter Critters

Do you ever look over and see something so jacked up that you stare for a good long minute or so before taking action? I'm not talking about the burning building sort of thing, or impending train wreck to where some primal instinct kicks in and immediate action is taken?

No, this is different. This is where your eyes don't trust what they're seeing and you struggle to process it, as you run through  realistic scenarios of what you're seeing before stepping in and taking action.

Case in point, from a distance, I watched a young relative playing outside by herself with what appeared to be cat shit. A lot of cat shit. Busily, she seemed to be making shapes and forms out of it as if it were play-dough. My HOPE was that it was play-dough. PLEASE GOD, let it be play-dough. Putty. Bisquick? Anything other than disgusting cat shit. However, she was surrounded by a bunch of cats at the time and I wasn't feeling hopeful.

Since no other adults were around, I took it upon myself to walk over and inquire as to what the budding Michelangelo was working on. David, it was not.

 Within 10 feet, I could smell the warm, evidently pliable, cat shit. Pig and elephant poo smell worse....but not by much. Even the agitated cats were looking at her like "dude, why are you playing with our poo?". Good question, feral cats.

Me: Honey, uhhh....why are you playing with cat-poo?
Her: 'Cuz it's fuuuun
Me: Do you play with cat-poo a lot?
Her: uh huuuuuh
Me: Baby, that's not good for you, it will make you sick. We don't play with poo. Of any kind. Ever. Everrrr.
(she looked hurt, I felt a little bad)

She showed me her artistic creations, the cat shit cigar, the cat shit ball and the ever popular cat shit star. (Like a ninjy-star made out of cat shit. Fun for the whole family!)

I did what any responsible adult would do and brought her inside and washed her hands for 10 minutes, followed by nearly an entire bottle of green apple scented hand sanitizer. If this were one of my children, they would have been treated to a Silkwood Shower, but you can only do so much with a child that's not your own. I assure you, her hands have never been cleaner.

All in all, you what what this reminded me of?  Litter Critters. Seriously, you have to watch it! It's hilarious. And disturbing. But mostly hilarious.

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