A few years ago, we went camping with the girls, before we ever had Cole, and decided to take Rufus our miniature schnauzer. Let me tell you what, he really isn't a camping kind of dog. I guess you could say he is spoiled, he likes sleeping on our leather couches, or on the girls beds, or anything else soft, furry and fluffy. Even if he is left outside, he curls up on our padded outdoor chairs on the sun porch. So, WHY we would think he would enjoy camping, I have no idea.
Lloyd had taken him to the groomers that day before we left , as he looked a little like a wooly mammoth, only not as big and without tusks. Well, she cut ALL of his hair off...usually schnauzers have skirts around them...he had absolutely nothing but his beard and eyebrows. She even shaved his balls, which let me tell you...he wasn't too happy about having the "beans" mowed down to that level and he pouted throughout the whole drive to get there.
So, we get out to this beautiful campground and Rufus is just beside himself. He can't find any leather couches to lay upon, and wasn't too fond of the pvc fold up chairs, as his legs kept going through the holes. He stayed busy for several hours trying to find himself a comfortable spot on the fairly rocky ground, or in a bed of pine needles, mixed with pine cones; which evidently only proceeded to agitate the "beans" to a now raw and very red shade of color.
We stayed up fairly late that night, looking at the half-million dollar camper trailers on either side of us. I can't say that we felt all that inferior in our $89 Walmart tent...as not one of our neighbors could get a fire going, or had the foresight to bring DRY WOOD; the commoner wins again. Git 'er done!
Anyway, we went to bed...and the wonderful night sounds of crickets and other woodland creatures were drowned out by the sound of my dog licking his man-parts.
Slurp, slurp, lick, lick, slurp, slurp, lick. It was enough to just make you throw up. After listening to that for roughly 45 minutes, I told my husband that he was going to *have* to put some benedryl cream on the dog's nuts.
Not only did he say, "No"....he said "HELL NO", he wasn't going to rub cream on the dogs balls!
OH, but he was.
So, we got the medical kit out, went and put the dog on the picnic bench and he proceeded to try to give the dog some relief. The whole time he kept grumbling about how much he loved me, or how much he MUST love me or some other crap, but I was having none of it. All I know was, *I* wasn't going to be rubbing cream on the dog, and that was all there was to it. So, we get back into the tent and...
...slurp, slurp, lick, slurp, lick...you guessed it. He was now *licking* the benedryl cream off of his nuts. So, back out of the tent we go...with the medical kit. This calls for some serious action. I saw that we had Benedryl caplets. The box doesn't include instructions for dogs, so hopefully this won't kill him...
We found a hotdog, shoved 1/2 of one those caplets in there and fed it to him, and back to the tent we went. It didn't take long...and he passed out mid-lick.
Thank the Lord.
When we got back home several days later, he immediately jumped on the couch to lay down...as if he had just met up with a long lost friend. He has been camping several times since, and we always remember to bring the Benedryl. And Lloyd has never forgiven me for making him do all that. I wonder how he will feel if he finds out I blogged about this to everyone I know?
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