I can honestly say, the only thing I miss from being in school is all the time that you get off from it. Although I work as a government contractor and get a few more days off than non-government workers, it is still nowhere NEAR what I had off when I was in school. I could do with a two-week Christmas break, a week at Thanksgiving, several teachers institute days, holidays for Casmir Polaski, Martin Luther, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Passover, Easter break and course, a week long spring break and 2.5 month long summer break.
*whew*...all that learnin' is HARD work, you GOTTA have all those days off. And we wonder why we are behind the Japanese, Germans, French, English and other countries in the educational realm. It's because we take too many days off from school! Next thing you know, there will be a national day honoring Foot Fungus Sufferers (FFS) or some nonsense like that.
Of course, I say this, because although the kids have off of school from these days, *I* do not.
Cole still has to go to daycare (if it is open, and it isn't for a lot of those holidays). If he can't go, then I have to either take a day off or pay a sitter $50 a day to watch him, after already paying the daycare for the week in advance. The ol' double whammy.
In general, I use my precious Paid Time Off (PTO, which encompasses vacation and sick days) for the kids sick days. With three kids, typically, at least one of them is sick at any given time.
Although I had strep throat this week, that did not prevent me from going to work, as I could not afford to waste a day on myself; I may need it if one of the kids gets sick. The only illnesses to keep me from work would be a "combo" sickness: ear infection + sinus infection + strep throat + fever over 101.5 along with a small bout of diarrhea. Anything short of that...and I will be at work. Miserable, with Kleenex stuffed up my nose, possibly wearing depends in the event of an accident, but working.
I can thank my parents for that. If they did anything, it was to instill a work ethic that is bar none. Arm broken? Don't complain...you have another one, it's time you learned to be ambidextrous anyway. Fever? take some Tylenol. High fever?...cold washcloth and Tylenol. Ear infection? hydrogen peroxide and a cotton ball, you will be right as rain. Diarrhea? Imodium will do the trick, and only eat dry toast and drink warm 7-up. Broken ankle with the bone sticking out? Well, let's give it a week and see if it doesn't pop back in on its' own. (lol...you think I am kidding on this one...ask bug boy about that). MO TUSSIN'
So, anyway...I had bored kids that called me at work 937 times a day (some examples: "ummm...if I accidentally put something metal in the microwave and then heard a loud pop, but it didn't blow up or nothin'...do you think I could still eat the food?", ALSO "soooo....whatcha doin'? Me? Nothin'...I'm bored. Oh, and the dog threw up underneath the dining table. I just wanted you to know about that so you wouldn't forget to clean it up when you got home", AND "some guy came by to paint inside the sun porch, and he asked if you or dad were home, so I told him that you were both in the shower because I didn't want him to know we were home alone". *sigh*...
In addition, work has been a nightmare this week, my throat was killing me to the point where I couldn't sleep, and then I come to find out that I had a dentist appointment this week for a filling. Only the filling turned out to be a root canal in one tooth and a filling in another.
They gave me so much anesthetic, my face slid right off of my skull, which is always a good look for me.
Later that afternoon, Lloyd came home from work and showed me a sore that he has had on his leg for a week. I suspected on MONDAY that it was a spider bite. By Tuesday, it was looking pretty bad and he called his dr. to have him call him something in. By Wednesday, it looked like this:
I made him go to the ER, as I really thought it might be a brown recluse bite. The rent-a-doc there said it was just a regular old abscess, and gave him some antibiotics and cleaned it out.
Now, I have looked at 100's of pictures of abscesses, and 100's of pictures of brown recluse bites over the last week...and his wound in NOWAYSHAPEORFORM resembled an abscess. When he went to go get his prescriptions filled, the pharmacist said that it looked like a brown recluse bite, she sees them pretty often. Everyone who has seen it, besides Dr. Moron at the ER said it looked like a brown recluse bite.
For the moment, it looks like it is getting better, and I hope that is the case, because that is the damn nastiest thing I have EVER seen. And of course, I am very skittish right now...checking and rechecking the bed sheets and pretty much everywhere else for spiders.
Lastly, I think my trainer is trying to kill me. She upped the weights on my routine and didn't say anything. I went to use the leg press and it feels as though I strained a muscle in my hoo-hoo. I didn't think that I was even USING my hoo-hoo to help push up that stack of weights, since it is a "leg" press, but...that just goes to show you what I know. Which after this week...is pretty much nothing.
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