Sunday, April 19, 2009

A very politically incorrect post...

You have been But, it's my blog...and I will post what I want to:

I have stopped watching the news...and resorted to periodically reading it online from time to time. Since my husband became a sheriff's deputy, the bubble world I was living in has burst. There is so much crap that goes on in this little burg that I know about from brief listenings to his radio, or listening to him talk to people on the phone, I am just sick of anything that is bad news.

Sometimes, however, I pick up the paper and read it, or pop on over to and check things out. The world hasn't changed since I dropped out, and I don't expect it to. But it should...

You know, when stories like Paris Hilton getting released from the paltry few days she deservedly had to serve make top headlines across the world, the place has gone to a shithole. OR...when other top stories are run about other celebrities being outed make top headlines (that guy on CNN), it just makes me sick. I mean...WHO CARES? When did it become any of our business if he is gay or not? Or anyone for that matter.

So, here is my stance on things:

Gay: don't care. I'm not, but I am ambivelent one way or another. I have friends that are gay, and since *I* am not the one doing them, I don't see how it is any of my business WHO they are doing.

Tattoo's: I like them. I don't want one, but I kind of do, except for the whole needle/pain part. Not to mention, one day every single piece of skin I have will be saggy and I don't want a saggy tattoo. But, if I did have one, it would be where only my husband could see it. Piercings, nose rings: I don't love the nose rings, or the little bars in the mouth...I would imagine that HURT LIKE HELL to get. However, the belly button rings are cute, but I don't think that you should be a large person exposing your belly ring. I personally do not want to see that.

Thongs: Buttfloss. I hate them, but I have them. Sometimes you just don't want pantylines, and my husband loves them...but I believe with all my heart that some man invented them, because I just don't see a woman saying...hmmm...I already have to wear a bra that gets uncomfortable after 5 hours...what other way could I torture myself? OH..I KNOW...Let me stick a string between my ass. Yeah, that should do it. And as for thongs sticking out from your pants...TACKY. If you are wearing them, no one should be able to see them. If you can see them...your pants are too damn small. Just sayin'.

Iraq: WTF? are we doing there? Does anyone know anymore? Does it make me un-American to say that? I don't think so. I support my troops...and would love to see their asses come home safe, sound and with all of their body parts. This is unwinnable, if that was ever even our goal. Have we learned NOTHING from Viet Nam???

President Bush: He is a moron, plain and simple...but I fear who will go into office after him.

Hillary Clinton: Bitch, I hate her. Always have, always will. PLEASE don't let her be the first woman president.

Obama: I can't spell his first name...I think it is Barack, or something like that. I know nothing about him except that he is black and from Illinois. I will have to read more on him before I come to any firm conclusions.

Murderers: They should bring back public hangings, maybe discourage some of this nonsense. Same goes for rapists, kidnappers, and other people that commit heinous crimes. IN FACT...I think the victims family should get the first crack at them. I swear, as God as my witness, if anyone ever did anything to any of my children, only GOD would be the one able to help them at that point. All I would want is 5 minutes alone in the room with that person, and some medieval torture instruments.

Immigrants: I guess I don't get all the ruckus. Most of the people that I have met that have come to live in this country sure work a hell of a lot harder than many of those of us that have had the PRIVILEGE to be born here. People are complaining about the Mexicans moving into the burbs of New Orleans. Well, no offense, but THEY are willing to go to work there and clean that shit up. The natives...not so much. They are still wondering how long they are going to get to keep their FEMA trailers. It's crap I tell you.

Welfare: I think there are people that should get it. If you are mentally ill, mentally challenged or disabled in such a way that you can't work, well...I don't see how you are going to get and KEEP a job. Someone has to take care of them and as HUMANS...we should do that. However, if you can work...then you should. If you don't know how, then someone needs to teach you, and we need to fund programs to support that. If you are lazy, don't want to work to support yourself or your kids...then HELL NO, why should I do it? I can see how it would be overwhelming, especially when you have small children as you barely make enough to even cover the high cost of daycare. I am perfectly willing to subsidize that, however I am not willing to subsidize anyone sitting at home on their ass not working, that could...while I HAVE to go to to work.

Scary thin models: WTF?? Eat something, for the LOVE OF GOD. When did looking like a starving person from India become so popular? I worry for my girls as they are already looking at those models and comparing themselves and thinking they are fat themselves.

Al Sharpton: I can't believe that someone hasn't shot that bastard yet. I mean, all the good black leaders get shot with apparent ease (Martin Luther King)...and then you get a piece of crap like this that gets lots of airwave time...and no one has popped him yet. Unbelievable. All I can think is that he must have a great security guard detail.

That's pretty much it for I will post a part II later on. If anyone has anything that they would like to add (or comment on), I would LOVE to hear it. Of course, I support anyones right to free speech.

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