Monday, April 20, 2009

You know you are tired when...Part II

After the baby was born last year, I set a new personal record for number of days without sleep. He had colic, so from late afternoon until late evening, he would scream. And scream.

And JUST when you thought he was done...he would scream some more.

It was awful, my nerves were shot, and even when he would sleep for a couple of hours, I could not ever get relaxed enough to get restful sleep.

One night, my husband found me laying in bed watching old-school Star Trek (the ones with Captain Kirk). He asked if I was alright...I replied I was fine. He then asked why I was watching Star Trek on Telemundo. WHAT?? Noway. As it turned out, I had watched nearly 30 minutes of this particular show...and hadn't realized the whole dayum thing was in Spanish.

I only speak enough Spanish to order a cold beer and ask for a bathroom, and that is after 6 years of taking it. That's American Education at its finest, folks. It's sad though, when you are so tired, you no longer recognize that whatever you are watching is not being spoken in your native tongue.

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