Monday, April 20, 2009

You know you are tired when...

So, I was thinking tonight, as I started a load of Permanent Press at 10:00 tired I am, and how late it is to be starting something like that. However, the alternative is to get up 4:30-5:00 AM tomorrow to run the load...and seeing as how I am not and will NEVER EVER EVER be a morning person, that just doesn't seem like a good idea.

And of course, once I start one little project, I feel compelled to whittle away at the 50 or so other neglected chores. I have asked myself time and again, what is WRONG with me? Why can't anything ever be completed from start to finish? The dishes...1/2 done as the baby threw a fit while I was washing them because he wanted to be IN the dishwasher licking the dirty dishes and I wouldn't let him. There are unfolded towels on my couch that the dogs have decided must be "blankies" because they are now laying on them. They will now have to be washed again as *one* of my (insert bad word here) dogs has rolled around in something that smells like a dead rhino's @ss.

There are 35+ socks (with NO MATCH) on my dryer waiting for a mate to suddenly reappear. The carpets...well, if you come in my house right now, it would be better to just keep your shoes on for health reasons. Since I opened the windows this week, there is a 1/4 inch layer of pollen on pretty much everything, and I believe that is why my nose is running to the level that I have just stuffed a rolled up kleenex (nose-pon) up there to at least hold the snot at bay and keep it from dripping on the keyboard.

And the fact is...I am tired and I do very dumb things when I am this tired.

Case in point, we were missing the remote to the main tv. Now, there was another tv very similar in the house that had the same remote, so we started using it; the problem came when the other tv was in use, and you had to GET UP, walk across the house, retrieve it, change the channel, walk back across the house and give it back.

This went on for DAYS. It had occurred to us, several days later that we could have just gotten up and manually changed the channel like it was done "back in the day", but I don't think we know how to do that anymore. We scoured the house for the missing remote, couch cushions were removed, chairs up-ended, toy boxes emptied, dressers re-organized. Still no remote; I was beginning to think we had thrown it away.

One afternoon, I went to get some orange juice out of the back of the refrigerator, and LO AND BEHOLD...standing up on end next to the orange juice, was the missing remote.

I knew as soon as I saw it...I did it. Unfortunately, the "watcher", Katie, was in the kitchen when I found it. Later that night, my husband asked where it had been found, I was just going to skirt (lie) around the whole thing...but she just had to tell him where it was. He just looked at me...and shook his head and wisely said nothing. So, now when it goes missing, the refrigerator is the first place we look. I probably won't live this one down for a long time to come.

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