Sunday, April 19, 2009

If I ever get will be because of Walmart

Originally posted Feb 19, 2007...

I went to go and buy some things from Wal-hell the other day, and when I got up to the register (approximate wait time...24 minutes in line), one of my items rang up almost $10 more than the advertised price. Now, I would have given the item up, but I had already been back 4 times for this toy for Cole and they finally had ONE in stock. I had to have it. So, the cashier was annoyed with me as I didn't follow "proper Walmart protocol" which would be to say, "oh, that case, don't trouble yourself to get a price check, I don't want it".

Instead, I made her call out out for a price check. She called 4 separate times...NO ONE responded. The lady standing behind me (heretofore named "b!tchling") suggestes that I follow the unstated protocol and give the item up. I very calmly explained that I had already been here 4 times for this item, and I did apologize for the inconvenience this was causing. She then said "well, WE ALL HAVE LIVES YOU KNOW".

How, I did not burn her up with the 9 foot flames that shot out of my @ss, I do not know, but I again apologized (while gritting my teeth) and told the cashier that I would take the item at that price and then go back up to customer service (AKA...the Gates of HELL) to get my money back.

Well, the cashier must have been really pissed at me...because she rang up that item 4 times. I never I was too busy trying to watch my back from the angry mob of customers I was keeping from getting on with their lives.

So, I went up to the Gates of Hell...praying that I didn't see the head customer service lady who already hates my guts from an incident at Christmas. Whew...she wasn't there. Just the nice dumb one...slower than molasses, but I was still grateful that I was going to be able to deal with her. Until that is...I got behind a guy buying 25 money orders. Do you know how long it takes to do just ONE of those things? *sigh*

So, I waited....30 minutes in that line, which gave me plenty of time to carefully review my $100 walmart bill for a total of 10 items. So, I then realize that the cashier has charged me $13.50 (4) times for this one little baby leapster book that was supposed to be on clearance for $4.00. grrrr...

I wait. I wait. Finally, this guy is almost done getting his money orders. Guess who should show up? Claw witch. The head Walmart Customer Service Minion. She has nails that are 9" long...and how she types on that computer, I have no idea. Karma is a bitch, and of course...I knew that I was going to get her. I got up to the counter, and gave her the product and the receipt, showing her how many times I was charged for the product and explained that it was only supposed to be $4.00. She (snottily) asks me why didn't the cashier get a price check on it. I (still calm) told her that the cashier had tried to do that, but no one responded.

She snatched the box out of my hand and stomps off to the toy department presumably. I wait some more. She comes back...and states that the product was only $4.00 and asks why I was charged 4 times. Did I have three others in my cart?

I pondered taking the high road, and then just said screw it. I said, "look...all I want is my $$ back. I am not the one that screwed up and mispriced it. I am also not the one that couldn't be bothered to answer a call from a cashier on a price check. I did not buy 4 of these damn things...JUST the one and if you would like to check my bags...feel free. But for the Love of God, please just give me my money back...because I am now ONE HOUR LATE back from lunch." I may or may not have said this too security was there in 3 seconds flat asking me what my problem was. Odd, that security can be there so quick, but you can't get a price check done in under 20 minutes. Maybe they should have security doing the price checks?

In the meantime, claw bitch did the refund and threw my money down on the counter, some of which went on the ground. I then asked her if she had maybe missed a day or two of charm school? The security guard told me that wasn't necessary and instructed me to leave. GLADLY...right after I spoke to the manager. I was told he was at lunch. lol...of course he was.

I left, with Mr. security guard walking me out the door. That still didn't stop the receipt Nazi from inspecting my stuff. I guess had I been led out in handcuffs...that would be the exception to the receipt nazi scrutinizing your BAGGED items rule.

I am trying to figure out a lesson to be learned in this. I mentioned what happened to friends of mine at work...they knew who I was talking about in regards to the CS rep. They avoid her at all costs.

Now, I was in the wrong...I didn't take the high road. I tried...but I veered pretty hard. But at the same time...when did it become ok to be so ugly to your customers?

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