Monday, April 20, 2009

Tubing Down the Bogue Chitto

Originally posted Saturday, June 02, 2007
Tubing down the Bogue Chitto
Doesn't that sound like fun! Not if you are a picky person (which I am free to talk about)...because I definitely fall into that category, and it seems to be getting worse as I age. There was a time in my life in which I would jump into any body of water (as long as it didn't have visible scum on the top of it) for a swim. Now? Not so much.

Friends of ours invited us last summer to go tubing down the Bogue Chitto River (pronounced Bogachitta, heavy on the southern twang). Now...the name alone (I am sure, *Native American*, which I also am, so no INDIANS need to send me nasty emails), does not inspire me to want to go tubing down it. It sounds like some type of rat dish I might order if I were in Cajun Country, Louisiana. "Hey...waitress! Slap some of them thar bogachitta's up on this biscuit here of mine". The girls and my husband did go, and a good time was had by all. It was later of course, that I heard they had to navigate past fallen trees, limbs, sticks...etc. Naturally, because it is a body of water in Mississippi, it does have water moccasins o'plenty. That just sounds like too much fun for me to even handle.

As it so happens, we were asked to go again this year. I have run out of excuses, evidently as I can't even make them up fast enough anymore and I am too tired to really put the effort in to conjure anything decent and plausible. I figured the truth was in order. I do NOT go into bodies of water that I can't see my feet in. Ever. Ever. Ever. Swimming pools = All Good. The ocean as presented on the shores of Destin, Florida = All Good. Anything NOT crystal clear or clear blue...not happening.

So, I told them this, and they were shocked. It never actually occurred to them that this was the reason that I wouldn't go. They said they hadn't seen a snake out there in YEARS. Um...but the fact have seen a snake in there...while your ass was dangling through the whole of a large rubber donut. That sounds like prime bitin' real estate to me. Not to mention, I don't want my ass to be rubbing over some fallen tree limb and mistake it for a water moccasin and have a coronary right there on the spot. It would seem the middle of a nasty river is a bad place for CPR to be peformed. While I am no doctor, I am just sayin'.

Check out the link above. I came across that website when I was googling how to spell Bogue Chitto. The name clearly states "waterpark". So, in checking out the site...I was looking all around for the alleged "waterpark". Apparently, it is a park...that doubles as a campground that is on a body of water. There are no slides, no wave pools, and the only lazy river available is the aforementioned one that contains snakes and fallen trees. about creative marketing!So, there will be no tubing for Lee this year unless it involves a REAL waterpark, with a REAL chlorinated lazy river, and a wave pool with an imported sand beach. I know...I am no fun anymore. least no water moccasin is going to be able to bite ME in the ass.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I went down that river - tubing - once and that was more than enough when I saw snakes drop into the water (2 of them). NO THANKS.