Monday, April 20, 2009


...orginally posted April 7, 2007

I do have one Easter story to tell you from back when me and my little brother were very small children. This particular Easter we lived down here in Mississippi, up in the Delta as a matter of fact. That year, we each received cute, colored baby chicks. LIVE baby chicks. Mine was pink and my brothers was Purple. Unfortunately for my brothers baby chick (we shall call him George), David may or may not have "loved" on him too much, as he lasted all of two minutes in his care. Services were held for George shortly after we had our fill of jellie beans. Anyway, my chicken, although dyed pink, turned out to be a large rooster. A large MEAN rooster, that terrorized me and my brother and our miniature schnauzer.

We had Rooster living in the house with us, and it would run amok freely (a free-range rooster, if you will) until it started trying to peck our feet apart, and rip out the dogs eyeballs. So, Rooster went to live in our fenced in back yard, however we could no longer go out and play and the dog now had to be walked on a leash in the front yard. One afternoon, my grandparents came to visit and were commenting about the large rooster in the yard, and my grandfather said he would "take care of the problem". All I knew back then was that Rooster had gone to live on a big rooster farm somewhere where it could be happy, frolicking with other roosters. It wasn't until just a few years ago, that I found out the my grandfather, who grew up on a farm, actually went into our backyard, grabbed up the rooster and gave it, more specifically its neck a quick twirl. He then took the rooster home, and I am thinking that he and my grandmother may have eaten it. Needless to say, my brother and I never received any more "live" animals as Easter gifts…pity. I always wanted a bunny.

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